Meet Dr Reeves...
Dr. Steven M Reeves received his degree in dentistry from Georgetown University. He is a member of the American Dental Association, the Washington State Dental Association, and the King County Dental Association. He is also a memper of the International Association of Laser Dentistry and the Institute of Advanced Laser Dentistry. Dr. Reeves is also a member of advanced study clubs and has taught dentistry at the University of Washington. Continuing education in new techniques for all types of Periodontal disease enhances his skills to benefit his patients. Among his many hobbies are golfing, hiking, photography and cooking. He also writes a monthly newsletter for his patients. Click here for the current issue
Dear Valued Patient,
My staff and I would like to thank you for choosing our office as your Laser periodontal care provider. We look forward to treating all your periodontal needs with the highest quality dentistry. Your healthy smile and satisfaction are the measure of our success. If you appreciate our services, please tell others.
Yours for dental health
Steven M Reeves, DDS
(206) 592-8022
Laser Gum Therapy of Seattle
21904 Marine View Drive South, Suite A, Des Moines, WA 98198 (206) 592-8022