(206) 592-8022
Laser Gum Therapy of Seattle
Oral Conscious Sedation
Dental anxiety is not unusual, for it is quite natural for a person to be uncomfortable when placed in a position in which they feel that they are vulnerable, as occurs in the dental chair.
Once Dr. Reeves is aware of your dental anxiety and fears, there are many ways in which they may be addressed. In some cases, simply discussing the planned procedure is all that is necessary to alleviate your dental anxiety. When this is not enough, other highly effective and safe sedation techniques can be used to alleviate dental anxiety. If the technique involves the administration of a drug, it is termed conscious sedation dentistry.
Dr. Reeves will prescribe a sedative drug to be taken by mouth prior to the planned treatment. If the individual has an even greater degree of dental anxiety, Dr. Reeves may prescribe an oral conscious sedative to be taken at home one hour prior to going to sleep on the evening before the appointment. It is IMPERATIVE that the patient NOT DRIVE A CAR to the appointment. Patients receiving oral conscious sedation are not permitted to drive a car or operate a motor vehicle for 24 hours following their appointment and should not be left home alone. Commonly administered oral conscious sedatives include: Valium, Halcion, Dalmane, and Versed. Oral conscious sedation dentistry is most effective in the management of mild to moderate degrees of dental anxiety.
21904 Marine View Drive South, Suite A, Des Moines, WA 98198
(206) 592-8022 lasergumtherapy@gmail.com